From short to long hair whenever you want!
Did you just order a lovely set of clip-in hair extensions or do you already have them at home and can’t wait to use them? In this blog – with video included – we will show you step-by-step how to easily achieve voluminous and long hair in a few minutes. Especially if you are going to use your clip-ins for the first time, this will help you a lot! With clip-in hair extensions you don’t have to choose between short or long hair. You clip your long hair in and out easily. How perfect is that?
What’s great about the Zascha extensions is that the clips are super strong and stable. They have a silicone strip to secure the weft well so they won’t fall out. All you have to do is open and close the clips.
“They have a silicone strip to secure the weft well so they won’t fall out.”
Okay, almost. But hey, clipping in your hair is really easy! You just need to know how. You’ll need: Your full set of clip-in extensions and a mirror. Additionally, a hair clip and soft brush are also very useful! Let’s get started!
1. Brush and part your own hair.

Start by brushing your own hair well with a soft brush. Preferably use a TangleTeezer®. This brush, used by professionals, can be used on dry and wet hair and prevents hair breakage. Then make a straight horizontal part at the nape of your neck and clip the rest of your hair up with a hair clip.
“For extra hold you can backcomb the hair at the roots …”
For extra hold you can backcomb the hair at the roots and spray some hairspray on top or use some volume powder. This is not always necessary, but can give just a little more grip for smoother / finer hair. Use a teasing brush for backcombing.
2. Start with the 3-clip wefts

Now take the 3-clip weft with 3. Brush it well before putting it in your hair. Start at the ends of the hair and work your way up carefully. You can gently pull apart any tangles with your fingers. Then, you find the center of your hair and clip the middle clip into the roots of your hair.
“Make sure you clip as close to the roots as possible so that it is secure.”
Make sure to clip as close to the roots as possible so that it is secure. Then clip the left and right sides firmly. The other wefts are placed in exactly the same way. Make a new horizontal division just above the first clipped weft and clip in the second 3-clip weft.
3. Apply de 4-clip and 5-clip weft (if included in your set)
Part your hair from ear to ear right above your second clipped weft and secure the rest of your hair with a hair clip. The set contains one 4-clip weft of 20cm (8″) wide. Again, this is placed as close to the roots as possible. Do you have a set for thick hair? Then you have an extra weft of 25cm (10″) wide!
“Place the wider weft well below your crown area”
If that’s the case, make a horizontal part about 5cm below the crown of your head and clip away the rest of your hair. Take the 5-clip weft of 25cm(10″) and clip it in like you did the previous wefts. Now all the wider wefts are clipped in on the back of your head and only the narrow ones are left.

4. Place the narrow 2 and 1-clip wefts.
The set includes two 2-clip wefts and two 1-clip wefts. These narrow wefts add volume to the sides and ensure that everything blends together nicely. Part the hair horizontally on the side of your head about 2cm (1″) above your ear and clip the rest of your hair away with a hair clip. Take the 2-clip weft and clip it in.
“These narrow wefts add volume to the sides and ensure that everything blends together nicely.”

Then you divide a part of your hair above the 2-clip weft and clip away the rest of your hair. Brush the 1-clip weft and clip it in as close to the roots as possible above the 2-clip weft. Repeat this on the other side of your head. Brush your hair and check in the mirror if all wefts are invisible, especially at the back.
And you’re ready!

“…Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be done in a few minutes!…”
Please note that, just like everything else, practice makes perfect. Take the time to sit in front of the mirror and play around with the process. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be done in a few minutes! For the hard-working ladies who don’t have time to read this blog or for the ladies who do have the time but just don’t feel like it – no one is judging you – we have a special “How to: Placing your clip-in hair extensions video. Sit back, relax, and learn.

Hopefully, our explanation is clear enough for you to follow. Do you still have hesitations? No worries! Feel free to send an email to Of course you can also contact us through Facebook or send us a whatsapp at 085-2250281!